
Venividi Poker

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“VeniVidi1993” is back in the news, and this time it isn’t for blowing a $1 million lead in a heads-up challenge against Phil Galfond. The online poker pro — whose real name isn’t publicly known — claims he was also banned from GGPoker for the sole reason that he’s a winning player.

Taking on the legendary online player ‘Venividi’, Phil Galfond was up against it from the off. Starting slowly in No Limit Hold’em is one thing, but in Pot Limit Omaha, it can be disastrous – and it was. In no time at all, Galfond was close to a million dollars down. The Galfond Challenge has been suspended by Phil as he is currently -$900,000 after 15 days and 9900 hands of a 25,000 hand challenge vs VeniVedi on Run It O. The poker player Venividi1993 was first discovered by HighstakesDB on the high stakes tables of PokerStars on Thursday, July 7, 2016. Since then, a total of 42029 poker hands have been. Total life earnings: $2,246. Latest cash: $306 on 15-Dec-2015. Click here to see the details of Veni Vidi Vici's 4 cashes.

Tobias Duthweiler, aka “dudd1,” accused GGPoker in a recent 2+2 thread of refusing to refund his winnings after being banned from the site. He was previously banned from Natural8, a GGPoker Network skin, but claimed he was unaware the two poker sites were related.

Veni Vidi Poker Name

Poker legend Fedor Holz, a GGPoker ambassador, defended the poker site’s actions. He informed the poker community that “dudd1” was warned not to sign-up for any of GG’s network of sites.

But since that accusation, more high-stakes players on GGPoker have come forward accusing the site of banning winning players. That includes a high-profile online pro — “VeniVidi1993.”

Veni vidi poker online

Does GGPoker fear winning players?

Venividi Poker

“VeniVidi1993,” who famously lost the first Galfond Challenge despite jumping out nearly a $1 million lead, shared his own story about GGPoker withholding money from players.

Veni Vidi Poker

He claimed on Twitter that he was banned for “bumhunting.” That’s when someone takes a seat in an online poker game and refuses to play anyone not considered a weak opponent. Bumhunting is frowned upon among recreational players and many pros. But it’s been common practice among the top heads-up online players for years.

“VeniVidi1993” said in a series of tweets that he was banned by GGPoker for bumhunting and “told to never come back.” He claims he returned a couple years later and after he raked in $250,000 in profits, the poker site banned him again and confiscated his winnings, much like they did to Duthweiler.

I have been banned from GG for false reasons. Years after I came back to play, which they allowed me to do for a very long time taking 100’s of thousands of dollar (Yes uncapped rake can be a bitch). Only to confiscate my money when I tried to cash it out

— Venividi1993 (@thevenividi1993) August 11, 2020

“What they do is not illegal. They told me not to play on their network, so for me to return I broke their rules and they are allowed to confiscate my funds. I still think it’s very questionable how they rig the rules in their favor,” he wrote.

Andy Cooper (@coopah88) also shared a similar story on Twitter. He claims he won a bunch grinding cash games and earned over $17,000 worth of tournament tickets on top of that, which he never got to use because he was also banned from GGPoker for supposed bumhunting.

Grinded the cash games on GG poker recently, had won around $17,000 worth of tournament $ as I freq won the top prize of $1k playing 6k hands daily. Banned for bumhunting despite playing every table, they'll keep the prizes. #ggpoker@CrownUpGuy@RealKidPoker

— Andy Cooper (@coopah88) August 12, 2020

Veni Vidi Poker Player

One Twitter user who often plays with Cooper on GGPoker — @dejank1337 — came to Cooper’s defense. He said he can confirm Cooper was starting games. If a player is the first to register for an online poker game, they aren’t bumhunting as it’s impossible to know which player(s) will register next. Bumhunters seek out games where “fish” have already registered.

Venividi Poker Twitter

Another GGPoker player in Cooper’s thread — @Platameri — also claims to have been banned for bumhunting. This player wrote: “I got banned for bumhunting with $28k winnings but was able to withdraw $15k after they banned me by contacting them that I’d be fine with it if they gave me half. They were generous and gave me a bit over half.”